Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022Liked by Pru Foster

You are inspiring Pru. Thank you for helping me see this issue more clearly.

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Thanks Ann. I so appreciate knowing that. A local friend of mine and I just agreed to get together and chat over our plans for getting voting-rights-active. It feels good to moving forward a bit rather than just ANGST-ING.

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Your writing style is fantastic.

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Aww. thanks Alex. That means a lot to me.

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This is wonderful! I never post to Facebook, but did this time. I too have been searching for ways to actually make a difference this year. Am doubtful of success w relatives—racking my brain for what would work. Phone calls and personal letters to representatives and possible voters is good but somehow I think more direct actions (door-to-door; speaking in community venues) in “problem” states is needed. Still considering just what I can do. Thank you for writing this!

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Thanks for the note Tyndall. I'm so glad the article helped to move your thinking forward, it certainly helped me. Let me know as you figure out your plan of action.

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It was put by Richard Wolff (sp?) the other day that capitalism has now so distorted our systems that authoritarian rule is required to maintain order. He says this is a historical trend. I am encouraged by your call to action.

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I'm so sorry I missed this comment! I looked up Richard Wolff - he's got some interesting points and suggestions - especially about democratizing the work place. I like the sounds of that. I look forward to reading him more. https://www.democracyatwork.info/ Thanks for the tip.

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