I have read that it takes 30 repetitions to cement a habit, so adding a new habit once a month seems about right. And if you skip a time or two, just keep returning to the habit, the repetitions will add up!
I’m glad I’m doing some things on your list already. I love drying my clothes on the line in my garden. I have two compost bins and collect material in my kitchen to add to yard waste. I collect my leaves (big county maple and my own big oak) and compost them, and also add some from neighbors. I buy wind energy from Green Mountain instead of mostly non renewable sourced from Pepco. Definitely use my own bags at the grocery. It all adds up.
Good stuff Kira. Glad to hear it and yes yes on the adding up. I even think it multiplies :^) Thanks for the tip about Green Mountain Energy as this is the top of my list of habits to change - it is so very easy to do and I'll get to be smug for years. Looks like they are in my area too ... https://www.greenmountainenergy.com/
I have read that it takes 30 repetitions to cement a habit, so adding a new habit once a month seems about right. And if you skip a time or two, just keep returning to the habit, the repetitions will add up!
Ah, that's lucky I suggested a monthly habit of changing habits then. Thanks for the info Nedra.
I’m glad I’m doing some things on your list already. I love drying my clothes on the line in my garden. I have two compost bins and collect material in my kitchen to add to yard waste. I collect my leaves (big county maple and my own big oak) and compost them, and also add some from neighbors. I buy wind energy from Green Mountain instead of mostly non renewable sourced from Pepco. Definitely use my own bags at the grocery. It all adds up.
Good stuff Kira. Glad to hear it and yes yes on the adding up. I even think it multiplies :^) Thanks for the tip about Green Mountain Energy as this is the top of my list of habits to change - it is so very easy to do and I'll get to be smug for years. Looks like they are in my area too ... https://www.greenmountainenergy.com/